Magazine Design

Envision - The Water Issue


To design a magazine that highlights the 17 Sustainable UN Goals with a feature on a specific goal. The feature was to be based on a question developed as part of the featured goal.

Project Statement

To begin we decided to focus on UN Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and make it part of our feature pages. We developed and incorporated our question: How might we educate Calgarians on the importance of water sustainability and its benefits? Keeping the theme of water in mind we created a simple yet interesting magazine style. Using the principles of Human Centered Design, document design, visual identity and typographic design we developed Envision - The Water Issue. We included a subject matter expert interview and multi page article as part of our feature page. In addition, due to it being a magazine, we became familiar with the print process and overall output.

*This project was completed with the help of Erabell Soltan 


Movie Infographic


Campaign Posters