Cars for Christmas Mega Lottery

Website, Print & Digital Marketing Materials


  • Refresh and update the Cars for Christmas Mega Lottery seasonal website for the 2023 year. Improve usability and responsiveness through design

  • Align all print and digital marketing materials to match the updated website


After reviewing the 2022 website I figured it was time for a huge overhaul. The layout was messy and the overall design looked quite outdated. I wanted to bring more attention to the cause, which is a huge factor when it comes to lottery support.

In the end, the design was jazzed up a bit (with a focus on prizing), the layout was simplified and more “call to action” buttons were spread throughout the site.


To keep things cohesive, all print materials were created with the same colours, fonts and images as on the website.

French Fold Brochure

PS Letter


Ticket Request Form


Same cohesive goal as print materials. Much of the info and images were requested by the client.

These included digital ads of various sizes.

Digital Ads

Kiosk Display Ads


Alberta Braille Challenge


Trucks and Bucks Lottery