Uptown Nail Boutique & Spa

Conceptual Rebrand & Website Redesign


  • Update and refresh the Uptown Nail Boutique & Spa logo. Create a brand identity to match

  • Apply the new brand identity to the prototype website. Improving user experience (UX), hierarchy and overall look and feel (UI)

Logo Rebrand

After noticing some issues with the current Uptown logo I decided to do a huge overhaul of the brand. Bouncing off of their mission, I wanted the new logo to give off a more luxurious, chic and professional vibe.

Keeping in mind their use of colour, I made sure to create a brand identity that had colourful elements in addition to the timeless black.

Overall, I was able to transform the Uptown brand to something sleek and simplified, with a fun touch.

Website Redesign

The current Uptown website has some significant issues. It’s quite cluttered, the header navigation is barely noticeable and the design is lacking cohesiveness. Overall, this site is missing important UX and UI components. 

Piggy backing off of the updated brand Identity I managed to transform the site and improve the flow, look and feel. 

Some changes I made:

  • Updated the header to something more simple and easy to use

  • Created a working contact page with all the appropriate info

  • Incorporated an easy to find and understand appointment sections

  • Added more button options to the home page

  • Improved information architecture through content chunking and hierarchy



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